OR900 Research Control Valve

Cast Process Globe Valve - Dual Wafer Pattern or Threaded (USA - Type Orion 9000)

Product Information

The OR900 Research Control Valve (Orion 9000) is an ANSI Class 300 globe style valve with bolted bonnet and post guided innervalve. The body is investment cast 316 SST and is available in three sizes: 1”, 1½” and 2”. The body can be installed using NPT fittings or as a wafer pattern, clamped between companion flanges. Each valve size is available with a wide range of trims. The unique packing/bonnet design provides high performance and easy maintainability. The multi-spring/diaphragm actuator can be either ATO (air-fail close)  or ATC (air-fail open) action. All non-stainless components are epoxy-coated as standard. Spring compression (preload) is fully adjustable.

• ANSI Class 300 globe valve
• Wide range of innervalve (trim) sizes
• Large Cv values
• Extensive in-house knowledge always available
• Repairs effected by our experienced team

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Process Valve Range

Sizes Available: 1”,1½”, 2”

Materials of construction: Stainless Steel, Monel, Hastelloy C + others

Maximum Pressure: 50 Bar

CV Range: 0.02 to 25

Seal Options: PTFE, PTFE/Kalrez, Graphoil, REK Fugitive Emission Control (0ppm at 150PSA – leakage based), Bellows, Double Packing, Double Packing with Purge Port

Temperature: -70°C to +530°C

End Connections: Wafer Pattern Flange Mount / NPT


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